Source code for firexkit.result

import copy
import time
from collections import namedtuple, deque
import weakref

from pprint import pformat
from typing import Union, Iterator, Optional, Iterable

from celery import current_app
from celery.result import AsyncResult
from celery.signals import before_task_publish, task_prerun, task_postrun
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from import handle_broker_timeout
from firexkit.inspect import get_task, get_active_queues, get_active, get_reserved
from firexkit.revoke import RevokedRequests

RETURN_KEYS_KEY = '__task_return_keys'

ResultId = Union[AsyncResult, str]

logger = get_task_logger(__name__)

[docs] def get_task_info_from_result(result, key: str = None): try: backend = except AttributeError: backend = current_app.backend if key is not None: info = handle_broker_timeout(backend.client.hget, args=(str(result), key)) else: info = handle_broker_timeout(backend.client.get, args=(str(result), )) if info is None: info = '' else: info = info.decode() return info
[docs] def get_task_name_from_result(result): try: return get_task_info_from_result(result=result, key='name') except AttributeError: return get_task_info_from_result(result=result)
[docs] def get_task_queue_from_result(result): queue = '' try: while not queue and result: queue = get_task_info_from_result(result=result, key='queue') # Try to get queue of parent tasks in the same chain, if current item hasn't been scheduled yet result = result.parent except AttributeError: logger.exception('Task queue info not supported for this broker') return queue
[docs] def get_tasks_names_from_results(results): return [get_result_logging_name(r) for r in results]
[docs] def get_result_logging_name(result: AsyncResult, name=None): if name is None: name = get_task_name_from_result(result) return '%s[%s]' % (name, result)
[docs] @before_task_publish.connect def populate_task_info(sender, declare, headers, **_kwargs): task_info = {'name': sender} try: task_info.update({'queue': declare[0].name}) except (IndexError, AttributeError): pass current_app.backend.client.hmset(headers['id'], task_info)
[docs] @task_prerun.connect def update_task_name(sender, task_id, *_args, **_kwargs): # Although the name was populated in populate_task_info before_task_publish, the name # can be inaccurate if it was a plugin. We can only over-write it with the accurate name # at task_prerun. callable_func = current_app.backend.client.hset args = (task_id, 'name', handle_broker_timeout(callable_func=callable_func, args=args, timeout=5*60, reraise_on_timeout=False)
[docs] @task_postrun.connect def mark_task_postrun(task, task_id, **_kwargs): task.backend.client.hset(task_id, _TASK_POST_RUN_KEY, 'True')
[docs] def get_task_postrun_info(result): postrun = True try: postrun = get_task_info_from_result(result, key=_TASK_POST_RUN_KEY) except AttributeError:'Broker doesn\'t support postrun info; probably a dummy broker. Defaulting to postrun=True') return postrun
[docs] def mark_queues_ready(*queue_names: str): current_app.backend.client.sadd('QUEUES', *queue_names)
[docs] def was_queue_ready(queue_name: str): return current_app.backend.client.sismember('QUEUES', queue_name)
[docs] def is_result_ready(result: AsyncResult, timeout=15*60, retry_delay=1): """ Protect against broker being temporary unreachable and throwing a TimeoutError """ return handle_broker_timeout(result.ready, timeout=timeout, retry_delay=retry_delay)
[docs] def find_all_unsuccessful(result: AsyncResult, ignore_non_ready=False, depth=0) -> {}: name = get_result_logging_name(result) state_str = '-'*depth*2 + '->%s: ' % name failures = {} if is_result_ready(result): # Did this task fail? state = result.state logger.debug(state_str + state) if state == FAILURE: failures[] = name else: # This task was not ready logger.debug(state_str + 'NOT READY!') if not ignore_non_ready: failures[] = name # Look for failures in the children children = result.children if children: depth += 1 for child in children: failures.update(find_all_unsuccessful(child, ignore_non_ready, depth)) return failures
[docs] def find_unsuccessful_in_chain(result: AsyncResult) -> {}: failures = [] did_not_run = [] node = result while node: if is_result_ready(node): # Did this task fail? if node.state == FAILURE: failures.append(node) else: # This task was not ready did_not_run.append(node) node = node.parent # Should reverse the items since we're traversing the chain from RTL failures.reverse() did_not_run.reverse() res = {} if failures: res['failed'] = failures if did_not_run: res['not_run'] = did_not_run return res
def _check_for_failure_in_parents(result, timeout=15 * 60, retry_delay=1): failed_parent = revoked_parent = None parent = handle_broker_timeout(getattr, args=(result, 'parent'), timeout=timeout, retry_delay=retry_delay) while parent and parent != result: state = handle_broker_timeout(getattr, args=(parent, 'state'), timeout=timeout, retry_delay=retry_delay) if state == FAILURE: failed_parent = parent break if state == REVOKED or RevokedRequests.instance().is_revoked(parent): revoked_parent = parent break result = parent parent = handle_broker_timeout(getattr, args=(parent, 'parent'), timeout=timeout, retry_delay=retry_delay) else: return # <-- loop finished with no errors in parents if revoked_parent: raise ChainRevokedException(task_id=str(revoked_parent), task_name=get_task_name_from_result(revoked_parent)) # If we get here, failed_parent holds a failed parent parent = handle_broker_timeout(getattr, args=(failed_parent, 'parent'), timeout=timeout, retry_delay=retry_delay) while parent and parent != failed_parent: # Find first failed parent, now that celery propagates parent failures parent_failed = handle_broker_timeout(parent.failed, timeout=timeout, retry_delay=retry_delay) if not parent_failed: break failed_parent = parent parent = handle_broker_timeout(getattr, args=(parent, 'parent'), timeout=timeout, retry_delay=retry_delay) cause = handle_broker_timeout(getattr, args=(failed_parent, 'result'), timeout=timeout, retry_delay=retry_delay) cause = cause if isinstance(cause, Exception) else None raise ChainInterruptedException(task_id=str(failed_parent), task_name=get_task_name_from_result(failed_parent), cause=cause) def _is_worker_alive(result: AsyncResult, retries=1): task_name = get_result_logging_name(result) tries = 0 # NOTE: Retries for possible false negative in the case where task changes host in the small timing window # between getting task state / info and checking for aliveness. Retries for broker issues are handled downstream while tries <= retries: state = handle_broker_timeout(lambda r: r.state, args=(result,)) if not state: logger.debug(f'Cannot get state for {task_name}; assuming task is alive') return True if state == STARTED or state == RECEIVED: # Query the worker to see if it knows about this task info = handle_broker_timeout(lambda r:, args=(result,)) try: # NOTE: if the task completes after the check for state right above but before the call # to handle_broker_timeout(), the type of 'info' is whatever the task returned, not the internal # Celery dictionary we want. It can be an exception, or even a dictionary with a random 'hostname'. # In the latter case _is_worker_alive() will return False, but since we retry _is_worker_alive() that # should be fine -- this timing issue cannot happen twice for the same task. hostname = info.get('hostname') except AttributeError: hostname = None if not hostname: logger.debug(f'Cannot get run info for {task_name}; assuming task is alive.' f' Info: {info}, Hostname: {hostname}') return True task_id = task_info = get_task(method_args=(task_id,), destination=(hostname,), timeout=180) if task_info and any(task_info.values()): return True # Try get_active and get_reserved, since we suspect query_task (the api used by get_task above) # may be broken sometimes. active_tasks = get_active(destination=(hostname,), timeout=180) task_list = active_tasks.get(hostname) if active_tasks else None if task_list: for task in task_list: this_task_id = task.get('id') if this_task_id == task_id: return True reserved_tasks = get_reserved(destination=(hostname,), timeout=180) task_list = reserved_tasks.get(hostname) if reserved_tasks else None if task_list: for task in task_list: this_task_id = task.get('id') if this_task_id == task_id: return True logger.debug(f'Task inspection for {task_name} on {hostname} with id ' f'of {task_id} returned:\n{pformat(task_info)}\n' f'Active tasks:\n{pformat(active_tasks)}\n' f'Reserved tasks:\n{pformat(reserved_tasks)}') elif state == PENDING or state == RETRY: # Check if task queue is alive task_queue = get_task_queue_from_result(result) if not task_queue: logger.debug(f'Cannot get task queue for {task_name}; assuming task is alive.') return True queue_seen = was_queue_ready(queue_name=task_queue) if not queue_seen: logger.debug(f'Queue "{task_queue}" for {task_name} not seen yet; assuming task is alive.') return True queues = get_active_queues(timeout=180) active_queues = {queue['name'] for node in queues.values() for queue in node} if queues else set() if task_queue in active_queues: return True logger.debug(f'Active queues inspection for {task_name} on queue {task_queue} returned:\n' f'{pformat(queues)}\n' f'Active queues: {pformat(active_queues)}') elif state == SUCCESS: return True # Timing; possible if task state changed after we waited on it but before we got here else: logger.debug(f'Unknown state ({state} for task {task_name}; assuming task is alive.') return True tries += 1'Task {task_name} is not responding to queries. Tries: {tries}') return False WaitLoopCallBack = namedtuple('WaitLoopCallBack', ['func', 'frequency', 'kwargs'])
[docs] def send_block_task_states_to_caller_task(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): caller_task = kwargs.pop("caller_task", None) if caller_task and not caller_task.request.called_directly: caller_task.send_event('task-blocked') try: func(*args, **kwargs) finally: if caller_task and not caller_task.request.called_directly: caller_task.send_event('task-unblocked') return wrapper
[docs] def wait_for_running_tasks_from_results(results, max_wait=2*60, sleep_between_iterations=0.05): run_states = set(READY_STATES) | {STARTED, RETRY} running_tasks = [] for result in results: if result.state in run_states and not get_task_postrun_info(result): running_tasks.append(result) max_sleep = sleep_between_iterations * 60 # Somewhat arbitrary start_time = last_debug_output = time.monotonic() while running_tasks: time_now = time.monotonic() if time_now - last_debug_output >= 30: logger.debug(f'Waiting for running task(s): {get_tasks_names_from_results(running_tasks)}') last_debug_output = time_now if max_wait and time_now - start_time >= max_wait: break time.sleep(sleep_between_iterations) running_tasks = [result for result in running_tasks if not get_task_postrun_info(result)] sleep_between_iterations = sleep_between_iterations * 1.01 \ if sleep_between_iterations*1.01 < max_sleep else max_sleep if running_tasks: logger.error(f'The following tasks may still be running after task-wait timeout has expired:\n' f'{get_tasks_names_from_results(running_tasks)}')
[docs] @send_block_task_states_to_caller_task def wait_on_async_results(results, max_wait=None, callbacks: Iterator[WaitLoopCallBack] = tuple(), sleep_between_iterations=0.05, check_task_worker_frequency=600, fail_on_worker_failures=7, log_msg=True, **_kwargs): if not results: return if isinstance(results, AsyncResult): results = [results] max_sleep = sleep_between_iterations * 20 * 15 # Somewhat arbitrary failures = [] start_time = time.monotonic() last_callback_time = {callback.func: start_time for callback in callbacks} for result in results: logging_name = get_result_logging_name(result) if log_msg: logger.debug('-> Waiting for %s to complete' % logging_name) try: task_worker_failures = 0 last_dead_task_worker_check = time.monotonic() while not is_result_ready(result): if RevokedRequests.instance().is_revoked(result): break _check_for_failure_in_parents(result) current_time = time.monotonic() if max_wait and (current_time - start_time) > max_wait: logging_name = get_result_logging_name(result) raise WaitOnChainTimeoutError('Result ID %s was not ready in %d seconds' % (logging_name, max_wait)) # callbacks for callback in callbacks: if (current_time - last_callback_time[callback.func]) > callback.frequency: callback.func(**callback.kwargs) last_callback_time[callback.func] = current_time # Check for dead workers if check_task_worker_frequency and fail_on_worker_failures and \ (current_time - last_dead_task_worker_check) > check_task_worker_frequency: alive = _is_worker_alive(result=result) last_dead_task_worker_check = current_time if not alive: task_worker_failures += 1 logger.warning(f'Task {get_task_name_from_result(result)} appears to be a zombie.' f' Failures: {task_worker_failures}') if task_worker_failures >= fail_on_worker_failures: task_id = str(result) task_name = get_task_name_from_result(result) raise ChainInterruptedByZombieTaskException(task_id=task_id, task_name=task_name) else: task_worker_failures = 0 time.sleep(sleep_between_iterations) sleep_between_iterations = sleep_between_iterations * 1.01 \ if sleep_between_iterations*1.01 < max_sleep else max_sleep # Exponential backoff # If failure happened in a chain, raise from the failing task within the chain _check_for_failure_in_parents(result) result_state = handle_broker_timeout(getattr, args=(result, 'state')) if result_state == REVOKED: # Wait for revoked tasks to actually finish running # Somewhat long max_wait in case a task does work when revoked, like # killing a child run launched by the task. wait_for_running_tasks_from_results([result], max_wait=5*60) raise ChainRevokedException(task_id=str(result), task_name=get_task_name_from_result(result)) if result_state == PENDING: # Pending tasks can be in revoke list. State will still be PENDING. raise ChainRevokedPreRunException(task_id=str(result), task_name=get_task_name_from_result(result)) if result_state == FAILURE: cause = result.result if isinstance(result.result, Exception) else None raise ChainInterruptedException(task_id=str(result), task_name=get_task_name_from_result(result), cause=cause) except (ChainRevokedException, ChainInterruptedException) as e: failures.append(e) if len(failures) == 1: raise failures[0] elif failures: failed_task_ids = [e.task_id for e in failures if hasattr(e, 'task_id')] multi_exception = MultipleFailuresException(failed_task_ids) multi_exception.failures = failures raise multi_exception
[docs] def wait_on_async_results_and_maybe_raise(results, raise_exception_on_failure=True, caller_task=None, **kwargs): try: wait_on_async_results(results=results, caller_task=caller_task, **kwargs) except ChainInterruptedException: if raise_exception_on_failure: raise
def _warn_on_never_callback(callbacks, poll_max_wait): if callbacks: for will_not_run_callback in [c for c in callbacks if c.frequency > poll_max_wait]: logger.warning(f'Will not run {will_not_run_callback.func} due to frequency ' 'being too high relative to any child poll rate.') # This is a generator that returns one AsyncResult as it completes
[docs] def wait_for_any_results(results, max_wait=None, poll_max_wait=0.1, log_msg=False, callbacks: Iterator[WaitLoopCallBack] = tuple(), **kwargs): if isinstance(results, AsyncResult): results = [results] _warn_on_never_callback(callbacks, poll_max_wait) start_time = time.time() logging_names = [f'-> {get_result_logging_name(result)}' for result in results] logger.debug('Waiting for any of the following tasks to complete:\n' + '\n'.join(logging_names)) while len(results): if max_wait and max_wait < time.time() - start_time: raise WaitOnChainTimeoutError('Results %r were still not ready after %d seconds' % (results, max_wait)) for result in results: try: wait_on_async_results_and_maybe_raise([result], max_wait=poll_max_wait, log_msg=log_msg, callbacks=callbacks, **kwargs) except WaitOnChainTimeoutError: pass else: yield result logger.debug(f'--> {get_result_logging_name(result)} completed') results.remove(result) break
[docs] class WaitOnChainTimeoutError(Exception): pass
[docs] class ChainException(Exception): pass
[docs] class ChainRevokedException(ChainException): MESSAGE = "The chain has been interrupted by the revocation of microservice " def __init__(self, task_id=None, task_name=None): self.task_id = task_id self.task_name = task_name super(ChainRevokedException, self).__init__(task_id, task_name) def __str__(self): message = self.MESSAGE if self.task_name: message += self.task_name if self.task_id: message += '[%s]' % self.task_id return message
[docs] class ChainRevokedPreRunException(ChainRevokedException): pass
[docs] class ChainInterruptedException(ChainException): MESSAGE = "The chain has been interrupted by a failure in microservice " def __init__(self, task_id=None, task_name=None, cause=None): self.task_id = task_id self.task_name = task_name self.__cause__ = cause super(ChainInterruptedException, self).__init__(task_id, task_name, cause) def __str__(self): message = self.MESSAGE if self.task_name: message += self.task_name if self.task_id: message += '[%s]' % self.task_id return message
[docs] class ChainInterruptedByZombieTaskException(ChainInterruptedException): def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + ': (zombie task)'
[docs] class MultipleFailuresException(ChainInterruptedException): MESSAGE = "The chain has been interrupted by multiple failing microservices: %s" def __init__(self, task_ids=('UNKNOWN',)): self.task_ids = task_ids super(ChainInterruptedException, self).__init__() def __str__(self): return self.MESSAGE % self.task_ids
[docs] def get_task_results(results: dict) -> dict: try: return_keys = results[RETURN_KEYS_KEY] except KeyError: return {} else: return {k: results[k] for k in return_keys if k in results} if return_keys else {}
[docs] def get_tasks_inputs_from_result(results: dict) -> dict: # Returns a dict of key-value pairs of inputs passed down in the async result object try: return_keys = list(results[RETURN_KEYS_KEY]) except KeyError: return results else: return_keys.append(RETURN_KEYS_KEY) return {k: v for k, v in results.items() if k not in return_keys}
def _get_all_results(result: AsyncResult, all_results: dict, return_keys_only=True, merge_children_results=False, exclude_id=None)-> None: if not result: return # <-- Nothing to do if result.successful(): ret = getattr(result, 'result', {}) or {} else: ret = {} if not return_keys_only and ret: # Inputs from child win, below all_results.update(get_tasks_inputs_from_result(ret)) children = getattr(result, 'children', []) or [] if merge_children_results else [] for child in children: if exclude_id and child and == exclude_id: continue # Beware, recursion _get_all_results(child, all_results=all_results, return_keys_only=return_keys_only, merge_children_results=merge_children_results, exclude_id=exclude_id) # Unnecessary; exclude_id is usually a first-level child if ret: # Returns from the parent win all_results.update(get_task_results(ret))
[docs] def results2tuple(results: dict, return_keys: Union[str, tuple]) -> tuple: from firexkit.task import FireXTask if isinstance(return_keys, str): return_keys = tuple([return_keys]) results_to_return = [] for key in return_keys: if key == FireXTask.DYNAMIC_RETURN: results_to_return.append(results) else: results_to_return.append(results.get(key)) return tuple(results_to_return)
[docs] def get_results(result: AsyncResult, return_keys=(), parent_id: str = None, return_keys_only=True, merge_children_results=False, extract_from_parents=True): """ Extract and return task results Args: result: The AsyncResult to extract actual returned results from return_keys: A single return key string, or a tuple of keys to extract from the AsyncResult. The default value of :const:`None` will return a dictionary of key/value pairs for the returned results. return_keys_only: If :const:`True` (default), only return results for keys specified by the task's `@returns` decorator or :attr:`returns` attribute. If :const:`False`, returns will include key/value pairs from the `bag of goodies`. parent_id: If :attr:`extract_from_parents` is set, extract results up to this parent_id, or until we can no longer traverse up the parent hierarchy merge_children_results: If :const:`True`, traverse children of `result`, and merge results produced by them. The default value of :const:`False` will not collect results from the children. extract_from_parents: If :const:`True` (default), will consider all results returned from tasks of the given chain (parents of the last task). Else will consider only results returned by the last task of the chain. Returns: If `return_keys` parameter was specified, returns a tuple of the results in the same order of the return_keys. If `return_keys` parameter wasn't specified, return a dictionary of the key/value pairs of the returned results. """ all_results = {} chain_members = [result] if extract_from_parents: current_node = result while current_node and != parent_id and current_node.parent: chain_members.append(current_node.parent) current_node = current_node.parent while len(chain_members) > 1: # This means we have at least one parent to walk. Parents need to be walked first # because we want the latter services in a chain to override the earlier services # results. But we don't want to walk the child which is a member of the chain, # since this will be walked explicitly, so we exclude that. _get_all_results(result=chain_members.pop(), all_results=all_results, return_keys_only=return_keys_only, merge_children_results=merge_children_results, exclude_id=chain_members[-1].id) # After possibly walking parents, we get our results for "result" (and possibly all children) _get_all_results(result=result, all_results=all_results, return_keys_only=return_keys_only, merge_children_results=merge_children_results) from firexkit.task import FireXTask if not return_keys or return_keys == FireXTask.DYNAMIC_RETURN or return_keys == (FireXTask.DYNAMIC_RETURN,): return all_results else: return results2tuple(all_results, return_keys)
[docs] def get_results_with_default(result: AsyncResult, default=None, error_msg: str = None, **kwargs): if result.successful(): return get_results(result, **kwargs) else: if isinstance(getattr(result, 'result'), Exception): exc_info = result.result else: exc_info = None error_msg = error_msg or f'Unable to get result from {result}' logger.error(error_msg, exc_info=exc_info) return default
FIREX_AR_REFS_ATTR = '__firex_ar_refs__'
[docs] def is_async_result_monkey_patched_to_track(): return hasattr(AsyncResult, FIREX_AR_REFS_ATTR)
[docs] def teardown_monkey_patch_async_result_to_track_instances(): if hasattr(AsyncResult, '__orig_init__'): AsyncResult.__init__ = AsyncResult.__orig_init__ delattr(AsyncResult, '__orig_init__') try: delattr(AsyncResult, FIREX_AR_REFS_ATTR) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def monkey_patch_async_result_to_track_instances(): assert not is_async_result_monkey_patched_to_track(), "Cannot monkey patch to track AsyncResults twice." AsyncResult.__orig_init__ = AsyncResult.__init__ setattr(AsyncResult, FIREX_AR_REFS_ATTR, []) def tracking_init(self, *args, **kwargs): getattr(AsyncResult, FIREX_AR_REFS_ATTR).append(weakref.ref(self)) AsyncResult.__orig_init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_ar_instances() -> Iterator[AsyncResult]: for inst_ref in getattr(AsyncResult, FIREX_AR_REFS_ATTR): inst = inst_ref() if inst is not None: yield inst AsyncResult.__init__ = tracking_init AsyncResult.get_ar_instances = get_ar_instances
[docs] def disable_all_async_results(): if is_async_result_monkey_patched_to_track(): for async_result in AsyncResult.get_ar_instances(): async_result.backend = None
[docs] def disable_async_result(result: AsyncResult): # fetching the children could itself result in using the backend. So we disable it before hand result.backend = None try: children = result.children or [] except AttributeError: return for child in children: disable_async_result(child)
# # Returns the first exception that is not a "ChainInterruptedException" # in the exceptions stack. #
[docs] def first_non_chain_interrupted_exception(ex): e = ex while e.__cause__ is not None and isinstance(e, ChainInterruptedException): e = e.__cause__ return e
# # Returns the last exception in the cause chain that is a "ChainInterruptedException" #
[docs] def last_causing_chain_interrupted_exception(ex): e = ex while e.__cause__ is not None and isinstance(e.__cause__, ChainInterruptedException): e = e.__cause__ return e
[docs] def climb_up_until_null_parent(result: AsyncResult) -> AsyncResult: r = result while r.parent is not None: r = r.parent return r
[docs] def get_result_id(r: ResultId) -> str: """Return the string id of r if it was an AsyncResult, otherwise returns r""" return if isinstance(r, AsyncResult) else r
[docs] def get_all_children(node, timeout=180, skip_subtree_nodes: Optional[list[ResultId]] = None) -> Iterator[AsyncResult]: """Iterate the children of node, skipping any nodes found in skip_subtree_nodes""" stack = deque([node]) timeout_time = time.monotonic() + timeout while stack: node = stack.popleft() node_name = get_result_logging_name(node) if skip_subtree_nodes and get_result_id(node) in skip_subtree_nodes: continue yield node while time.monotonic() < timeout_time and not node.ready(): logger.debug(f'{node_name} state is still {node.state}...sleeping and retrying') time.sleep(0.5) stack.extend(child for child in node.children or [])
[docs] def forget_single_async_result(r: AsyncResult): """Forget the result of this task AsyncResult.forget() also forgets the parent (which is not always desirable), so, we had to implement our own """ logger.debug(f'Forgetting result: {get_result_logging_name(r)}') r._cache = None r.backend.forget(
[docs] def forget_subtree_results(head_node_result: AsyncResult, skip_subtree_nodes: Optional[Iterable[ResultId]] = None, do_not_forget_nodes: Optional[Iterable[ResultId]] = None) -> None: """Forget results of the subtree rooted at head_node_result, while skipping subtrees in skip_subtree_nodes, as well as nodes in do_not_forget_nodes """ # Must get all the elements from the get_all_children() generator first! # We can't process the forgetting of one element at a time per iteration because the parent/children relationship # might be lost once we forget a node # subtree_nodes = set(get_all_children(head_node_result, skip_subtree_nodes=skip_subtree_nodes)) do_not_forget_nodes_ids = {get_result_id(n) for n in do_not_forget_nodes} if do_not_forget_nodes else {} nodes_to_forget = {n for n in subtree_nodes if not in do_not_forget_nodes_ids} msg = [f'Forgetting {len(nodes_to_forget)} results for tree root {get_result_logging_name(head_node_result)}'] if skip_subtree_nodes: msg += [f'Skipping subtrees: {[get_result_logging_name(r) for r in skip_subtree_nodes]}'] if do_not_forget_nodes_ids: msg += [f'Skipping nodes: {[get_result_logging_name(r) for r in do_not_forget_nodes_ids]}'] logger.debug('\n'.join(msg)) for node in nodes_to_forget: forget_single_async_result(node)
[docs] def forget_chain_results(result: AsyncResult, forget_chain_head_node_result: bool = True, do_not_forget_nodes: Optional[Iterable[AsyncResult]] = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Forget results of the tree rooted at the "chain-head" of result, while skipping subtrees in skip_subtree_nodes, as well as nodes in do_not_forget_nodes. If forget_chain_head_node_result is False (default True), do not forget the head of the result chain """ _do_not_forget_nodes = set() # Get the head of the result chain, i.e., in chain A|B|C, if result is C, find A head_node_result = climb_up_until_null_parent(result) if forget_chain_head_node_result is False: _do_not_forget_nodes.add(head_node_result) if do_not_forget_nodes: _do_not_forget_nodes.update(do_not_forget_nodes) forget_subtree_results(head_node_result=head_node_result, do_not_forget_nodes=_do_not_forget_nodes, **kwargs)